Authors: Projzen, AtomicFalco, 1COG Coggernaut, Garion132, Londinium, Imperialism, Vanadium, ThePebbleStealer, EoaNB Team. If you liked this item, please rate it up on Steam Workshop page. Like the Hoglins, make it like that but in The End, black/grayish color and purple eyes, and make another mob that is like the Piglins but make it have their own way of techniques. Uploaded Published Updated July 18, 2021. Add new Planks and Logs in the end, new mushrooms in the end, and also have new mobs like the Nether Mobs but wayyyyyy different, like have it totally different. We also have a lot of vines in the overworld, also have vines in the nether, and the caves and cliffs update, why not have rotting vines in The End. We also have Chorus Fruit block, why not have a Chorus Bush. And add new types of other wooden chests, since we have the normal chests, why not have a spruce, jungle, birch, acacia, dark oak, and nether chests, it would be amazing! There is End Stone, why not have another sort of block that is similar to the End Stone and make it into blue/green color block. Since there is trees in the Nether, why not have a unique style of trees in The End, and they're also other biomes in the Overworld and the Nether, why not have other biomes in The End. Why not add some more mobs in "The End of a New Beginning Update".

We already have Enderman, Shulkers and The Ender Dragon. Where we can have more new mobs spawning in The End. So, I had realized that we haven't had an End Update in a super long time, so I have a request for a New End update called, "The End of a New Beginning Update".